113 lines
3.7 KiB
113 lines
3.7 KiB
from typing import Final
import os
import re
from discord.ext import commands
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from discord import Intents, Client, Message, User, Guild
TOKEN: Final[str] = os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN')
REGEXP1: Final[str] = '<[a-z:0-9]*><[a-z:0-9]*>(.*)\(http.*\)(\(.*\)) `(.*)` (through|by) <[a-z:0-9]*><[a-z:0-9]*>(.*)\(http.*\)(\(.*\))'
REGEXP2: Final[str] = '<[@0-9]*>.*\|`(.*)` (climbed|dropped) from (\d+) to (\d+). payout in `(.*)`'
tracker_channel: int = 1218161058599141386
sniper_channel: int = 1218138955137155193
sentinel_channel: int = 1256995195954790410
intents: Intents = Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True # NOQA
client: Client = Client(intents=intents)
def clean_message(last_message: str, previous_message: str) -> str:
striker = False
striker_po = False
struck = False
struck_po = False
previous_rank = False
new_rank = False
n = 0
m = re.search(REGEXP2, last_message)
if m and len(m.groups()) == 5:
if m.group(2) == 'climbed':
striker = m.group(1)
previous_rank = int(m.group(3))
new_rank = int(m.group(4))
striker_po = m.group(5)
n = 1
elif m.group(2) == 'dropped':
struck = m.group(1)
previous_rank = int(m.group(4))
new_rank = int(m.group(3))
struck_po = m.group(5)
n = 2
m = re.search(REGEXP2, previous_message)
if m and len(m.groups()) == 5:
if m.group(2) == 'climbed':
if int(m.group(3)) == previous_rank and int(m.group(4)) == new_rank:
striker = m.group(1)
striker_po = m.group(5)
if n == 2:
n = 3
elif m.group(2) == 'dropped':
if int(m.group(3)) == new_rank and int(m.group(4)) == previous_rank:
struck = m.group(1)
struck_po = m.group(5)
if n == 1:
n = 3
if n == 3:
return striker + '(' + striker_po + ') ' + str(previous_rank) + '->' + str(new_rank) + ' ' + struck + '(' + struck_po + ')'
async def on_ready() -> None:
print('Sentinel ready !', flush=True)
async def on_message(message: Message) -> None:
if message.author == client.user:
# to avoid infinite loop, let's not answer to messages we (client.user) emit ourselves
print('no answer to our own message', flush=True)
if message.channel.id != tracker_channel:
print('message received on an unmonitored channel, ignoring', flush=True)
print(f'received {message}')
message_content: str = message.content
if not message_content and message.embeds:
print('try to get embedded information as message content')
for embed in message.embeds:
message_content = embed.description
if not message_content:
print('no message content, ignoring', flush=True)
# if 'Kriss' not in message_content:
# print('message not implying "Kriss"', flush=True)
# return
channel = client.get_channel(tracker_channel)
previous_message = [msg async for msg in channel.history(limit=2)][1]
print(f'previous message content: {previous_message.content}')
print(f'received message content: {message_content}')
new_message_content = clean_message(message_content, previous_message.content)
print(f'transformed message content: {new_message_content}')
channel = client.get_channel(sentinel_channel)
await channel.send(new_message_content)
except Exception as e:
print(e, flush=True)
def main() -> None:
if __name__ == '__main__':